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What is the Meaning of 'Natty' in Bodybuilding?

Many individuals within the bodybuilding community take pride in being natty as it reflects their personal principles, sporting values and their desire for achieving physical excellence without external assistance.

But what is the meaning of 'Natty' in bodybuilding? "Natty" is a slang term for natural. In the realm of bodybuilding it refers to building muscle and strength without resorting to performance enhancing drugs such as steroids or other prohibited substances.

In this blog we dive into where the term Natty came from, how it applies to modern bodybuilding and a solution that a lot of bodybuilders with finding clothing to fit their physique as it should.

What Does it Mean to be Natty?

For those who identify as natty this term holds more than a label—it symbolises their dedication, discipline and integrity. It represents a commitment to self improvement without taking shortcuts or jeopardising health.

Plus organisations like NPC, IFBB and WFBB have strict regulations with natural bodybuilding. Particularly with getting your IFBB pro card.

The History of 'Natty' in Bodybuilding

Although there isn't a documented history, behind the term 'natty' its prominence has increased alongside heightened scrutiny towards the use of performance enhancing drugs.

Prominent individuals within the bodybuilding community such as Jeff Nippard and Mike O'Hearn have openly embraced the label of being bodybuilders. Their endorsement adds recognition and legitimacy to this term.

Why the Term 'Natty' is Controversial

The term has sparked debate mainly because it's difficult to validate. With advances in drug tests and masking agents, the lines between natural and enhanced have blurred, leading some to question the usage of the term altogether.

How Can You Tell if Someone is Natty?

While it’s not foolproof, some common indicators include:

  • Consistency in Gains: Natural bodybuilders will show a gradual, consistent increase in muscle size and strength over time.
  • Lack of Extreme Vascularity: Steroid users often have a level of leanness and vascularity that's hard to achieve naturally.

Scientific Tests

Blood and urine tests can detect a range of banned substances, offering a more definitive answer, though they are not always 100% reliable.

The Science Behind Natural Bodybuilding

While it's easy to fall into the trap of comparing natural and enhanced bodybuilding solely in terms of muscle mass or aesthetics, there are fascinating physiological aspects to consider. Natty bodybuilders often have to be more in tune with their bodies, understanding the nuances of nutrition, sleep, and stress management to optimize performance and gains. This holistic approach demands a well-rounded understanding of human physiology and metabolism, making the journey intellectually as well as physically rewarding.

Hormonal Balances

One of the key distinctions between natty and enhanced bodybuilding lies in hormonal balances. Steroid use can lead to long-term hormonal imbalances, affecting not just muscle growth but overall health. In contrast, natty bodybuilders often strive to maintain hormonal equilibrium through diet, exercise, and lifestyle choices.

Nutritional Strategies for Natty Bodybuilders

A balanced diet is particularly crucial for natty bodybuilders who can't rely on substances to bolster their progress. Nutritional planning becomes an essential part of their training regimen. The emphasis is on a balanced intake of protein for muscle recovery and growth, carbohydrates for energy, and healthy fats for overall well-being. In addition, micronutrients and vitamins from a variety of fruits and vegetables become crucial for optimal performance and health. In many ways, natty bodybuilders often become accidental nutritionists, deeply understanding the fuel their body needs to function at its best.

Training Adaptations

Natural bodybuilders often use periodization in their training, cycling through periods of muscle-building and fat-loss to maximize their natural potential. This approach contrasts with enhanced bodybuilding, where athletes can more easily maintain muscle mass while cutting fat due to the effects of performance-enhancing drugs.

The Business Side of Being Natty

Brands and sponsorships in the bodybuilding world have started recognizing the value and integrity associated with being natty. Oxcloth, for example, subtly aligns with this ethical standpoint, offering clothing options that complement the natty lifestyle without turning it into a marketing gimmick.

What is the Meaning of 'Natty' in Bodybuilding?

Affiliation and Sponsorship in the Natty World

It's becoming more common for companies to affiliate themselves with natty athletes, thereby promoting a healthier image. These sponsorships can include apparel, fitness supplements and even specific dietary products that cater to the nutritional needs of individuals practicing natural bodybuilding.

The natural bodybuilding movement has also caught the attention of the supplement industry leading to brands developing products specifically designed for athletes. These offerings range from protein powders and Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) to vitamins and natural testosterone boosters. The intention is to provide bodybuilders with resources that align with their ethical beliefs and lifestyle choices.

Engaging in consumerism and embracing the "natty" philosophy often leads individuals to support companies that share their values. Brands, like Oxcloth not offer clothing tailored for those who practice natural bodybuilding but also embody qualities of quality and ethical business practices. Their products reflect a dedication to a lifestyle centered around bodybuilding.

Why Ethics Matter in Natural Bodybuilding

In the bodybuilding sphere, "natty" goes beyond just a term—it often serves as a philosophical stance embodying hard work, discipline, and ethical sportsmanship. The philosophy underlying natural bodybuilding promotes the notion that the body can be pushed to its natural limits through rigorous training, proper nutrition, and ample rest, rather than shortcuts like steroids. In this sense, it's not just about physicality but also about integrity. For many, being natty means taking the hard road filled with challenges and conquering those challenges without the aid of banned substances.

The Importance of Transparency

Transparency in natural bodybuilding is not only crucial for individual athletes but also for the integrity of the sport. Natural bodybuilders often advocate for transparency in disclosing their training routines, diets, and even failures to portray an authentic journey that can inspire others to follow suit. This level of openness fosters a sense of community and mutual respect among athletes and enthusiasts alike.

Social Media and Natty Bodybuilding

The term "natty" has gained considerable traction on social media platforms. Instagram and YouTube are replete with natty bodybuilders who offer insights, tips, and tricks on how to make the most of natural bodybuilding. While this visibility is generally positive, it also invites scrutiny, making it all the more critical for those who claim to be natty to uphold the integrity of the term.

Authenticity in the Age of Social Media

In an era where social media can make anyone look like a champion, the term "natty" serves as a kind of reality check. The natty community online often encourages authenticity, sharing not just the highlights but also the struggles of the bodybuilding journey. This stands in stark contrast to some enhanced bodybuilders who may project an image that's difficult, if not impossible, for a natural athlete to achieve.

Building a Community

Hashtags like #Natty and #NaturalBodybuilding serve as gathering points for an online community eager to share and learn. From Reddit threads to YouTube vlogs, the natty community finds solace in shared experiences, victories, and even setbacks.

The Hashtag Movement

Search for #Natty or #NaturalBodybuilding on social media, and you’ll find a thriving community sharing their workout routines, diets, and even 'natty hacks' that make the process of natural bodybuilding more effective and fulfilling.

What is Another Name for Natty?

Other terms that convey the same meaning include 'natural bodybuilder' and 'clean athlete.'

Fake Natty Meaning

A "fake natty" is someone who claims to be natural but is actually using performance-enhancing drugs. This term has generated considerable controversy because it calls into question the integrity of the individual and the sport.

Pros and Cons of Being Natty


  • Health Benefits: Lower risk of long-term health issues like liver damage or heart disease.
  • Ethical Satisfaction: A sense of pride in achieving gains through hard work.


  • Slower Progress: Gains come more slowly compared to using performance-enhancing drugs.

The Ethical and Philosophical Dimensions of Being Natty

Being "natty" in the bodybuilding world often involves more than just avoiding banned substances; it is an ethical choice for many. This lifestyle aligns with a commitment to hard work, transparency, and fairness in competition. The community of natural bodybuilders often fosters discussions on nutrition, mental health, and long-term sustainability, unlike some circles where the emphasis is solely on immediate gains at any cost.

Why Ethics Matter in Natural Bodybuilding

In the bodybuilding sphere, "natty" goes beyond just a term—it often serves as a philosophical stance embodying hard work, discipline, and ethical sportsmanship. The philosophy underlying natural bodybuilding promotes the notion that the body can be pushed to its natural limits through rigorous training, proper nutrition, and ample rest, rather than shortcuts like steroids. In this sense, it's not just about physicality but also about integrity. For many, being natty means taking the hard road filled with challenges and conquering those challenges without the aid of banned substances.


Transparency in natural bodybuilding is not only crucial for individual athletes but also for the integrity of the sport. Natural bodybuilders often advocate for transparency in disclosing their training routines, diets, and even failures to portray an authentic journey that can inspire others to follow suit. This level of openness fosters a sense of community and mutual respect among athletes and enthusiasts alike.

The Natty Code of Conduct

Many natural bodybuilders adhere to a kind of unwritten "Natty Code of Conduct," which includes not only avoiding prohibited substances but also advocating for clean competition and educating newcomers about the risks and drawbacks of performance-enhancing drugs.

Natty vs. Unnatural: A Comparison





Focus on foundational exercises, longer recovery

Greater intensity, shorter recovery

Body Composition

Lean, but rarely "shredded" year-round

Extremely lean, vascularity more pronounced

Lifestyle Choices

Holistic health approach

May prioritize gains over overall health

Final Thoughts

Being "natty" in the world of bodybuilding is a multi-faceted term that goes beyond merely abstaining from performance-enhancing drugs. It’s a lifestyle choice, an ethical standpoint, and for many, an identity. Through this comprehensive guide, we hope to have provided a robust understanding of what it means to be natty in bodybuilding.

Whether Natty or Not, Choose Your Clothing Wisely

Believe it or not, your clothing can make a statement about your bodybuilding philosophy. Brands like Oxcloth offer options that cater to the natural bodybuilding community, highlighting the physique you've worked hard to attain, naturally.

Oxcloth: The Ultimate Solution for Bodybuilders

When you've achieved a sculpted physique, conventional clothing often falls short. They either constrain or don’t complement your hard-earned body. This is where Oxcloth steps in. We’re not just another clothing brand; they’re crafted keeping in mind the unique requirements of bodybuilders and fitness aficionados.

We wanted to create a clothing brand that is for bodybuilders, made by bodybuilders. Oxcloth clothing is fashioned by designers and created with and around people who like to build and shape their bodies.

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Forged from the everyday gripes of the athletic male, we struggled to find smart attire that fits our bodies the way we wanted them to. We wanted to create a catalogue of fashionable clothing that's main function is to fit around your muscular body shape.

Never again will you have to order an unnecessarily large shirt in order to fit your chest and arms, leaving your midriff baggy and ill-fitted.

Never again will you fear buying chinos online as they might not fit your quads; Oxcloth provides clothing for athletes and bodybuilders with an exclusive collection including muscle fit shirts, athletic fit chinos, athletic fit jeans and athletic fit shorts.


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